How bad do schools smell? That is the smell of a tiny, unique little hell. But we’ve all had one, or more.
There i was. A tiny, ** fat little 7 year old typing in "preteen pussy" to my brothers computer, starting as I mean to go on, narco-wanking. The drugs of choice? Coca Cola and mars bars, stolen, en masse. The whole familys supply, mehe.Drugs progressed, But the pussy fodder remained. Obviously as I grew past 10 or so I started to avoid the "preteen" bit, though they were still totally my favourite. Are they now? Hm, complex. Well, I would never want to see one in sexual contact with anyone else. I wont allow it. If anyones gonna fuck kids, I Am. Plus you love it.
Its a nemesis hell campaign based on my public service as the biggest best bravest and sexiest man to become the absolute omni-nonce. Another brutal irony adorning this intricate tapestry of existence weve all (but mainly me) managed to beat infinite other options to experience. Nature likes a bit of a nonce, dont know why. A nice and worried nonce makes a good baby, apparently.So nature forces me to guzzle all of that and give the rest to top percentile hot females. As its the only place all the nonce is safe. Reproductive age, yea, the earlier figures there are still quite sickening. Im talking 14, 15 preferably with a single mum and a couple of sisters either side. Twister and KFC tings , yea? JD sports on a saturrdddaaa....where was I? Croydon? WOOO! No! I mean, not now...
All girls.OBVIOUSLY, RIGHT?! Well, the word nonce is being banded around here. I know, I know, thanks it IS starting to feel like an achievement, thanks. Furthermore, all girls of a reproductive age! SQUEAKY. No, not a blow up whale nor a sinisterly smudg-ed space hopper, BUT ME. Squeaky-clean, PURE. A special level of pure whereby i can still spend fourteen hours wanking to some prettyMS PAINTY kids, so! I must wanna fuck em, right?!
Fuck em and smell em.
But, i literally wouldnt dare. In all my years of pure narco noncing not only have i never seen a rape, never seen a child in distress (or woman, really) I have certainly never even began to sought and groom a little bitch. Unthinkable.
Nor, and note this well, so as not to be a benny, have I ever been CAUGHT. Upon realising i was being observed in my humble abode I wanked more, and wronger. It has become an urban sport, you cant very well nonce an active narco-wanker, can you? Smelling himself. I HAVE ZERO GUILT OR REGRET. I HAVE NEVER LET MYSELF DOWN AND HAVE ALWAYS AND WILL ALWAYS HOLD MYSELF TO MY OWN RIDICULOUSLY HIGH STANDARD.
This wasnt going to plan for the police.
An orcy immo line runs throughout our global law enforcement, this immo line knew one day, somehow, I would come to be in control of the police. So keen were they to gain leverage on the new boss,(to protect the plight of the orcs it turns out, coulda just asked) they formulated 5 or so years and 3 instances of my previous workplaces, to "get to know(how to control me, leveraging the fact they knew how much of a nonce they could make the average person look!) me".
Apparently, all parents test us for nonce and nonce inclination.
As in offer us child prostitutes.(!) Before we become parents we all agree that it is for the best. The first level. The black girl on the tube, borderline retardedly sat with legs wide open in a school dress. I passed.Sure, I did sat opposite, not untowardedly, with only the odd furtive glance up there, at it, for the wankbank. Then off I huffled.If you fail there, apparently it progresses. All the way to following a kid into a smackhead apartment and around her incapacitated potentially dead "guardian" and into an encounter that will haunt you forever. It gets worse, ahem, afterwards, this kid starts getting all hyperactive buzzing round the room talking about bait shit and you start to panic, right?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? She then hops into a tiny little cupboard, by the window. Teetering there, taunting you.
"I'm hiding in the cabinet" She leers
and you feel the devil there in your head urging you to give her a little push, would be over before she knew it? So keen to stitch you futher into your twisted nightmare born of a complete lack of gumption or morality
The window of the 26th floor full of sunshine and possibility, sirens below intermingle with the ups and downs of all you would be missing out on instead destined for a protective custordy and eventually probably some grisly nonce death nothing more than a depressing and deserted funeral from co-op for everyone to forget about, sooner rather than later.
This is how backpackers die in Laos. I swears. The parents? Beaning, mate. Loving it. Champagne, the lot! We also agree before we are parents that if your kid turns out a murdering nonce, then you will fulfiull all parently duties to the highest extent by killing that cunt. MUAHA!
I GIVE YOU, Life. Ladies and Gentleman, How good is it?! *clink*
More good news? Sexy little bitches back on TV! We had morphed into a culture that, well you know there’s proper hot like blonde n brown swede 11 year olds,similar to the one pictured bizarrely at the end of a string of prossie pictures one morning in Ibiza, yet bizarrely sat, topless, on her dads lap?! I was like who the hell is that and que pasar the hell you playing at homes?! Still, politely, I was in a foreign land after all. The police had previously given up somewhat on making me look a nonce when i turned down a similar offer in Bali, a few years earlier. The clarity of being an immo brings one fact into stark light, you can ALWAYS make someone look a nonce, HA, again, not me you weird orcs! Anyway, where was I? Little Bitches, AH! WOOO! awww they couldn’t be on tv because it was actually uncomfortable how much we all wanted to fuck em.
That’s sad, isn’t it? Poor little bitch will have to put her Hollywood dreams on hold. Sad and…dangerous. (Not the holding Hollywood dreams that’s probably advisable)
I am not aligning with “virtuous” paedophiles, cos they must have some deeply laden guilt or will to carry out the heinous act of grooming and raping (statutorily) a child. You have cool stuff that the kid wants as well as a toxic and scarcely earned “grown up” authority. So when she gets old enough she might realise her standards may not have dropped that low if not for the (now defunct) light up trainers you bought her.
A female is a complex thing to actually fuck. For example, who is it that you think they’re fucking? Well it’s not you and not me (shocking…unless I am, which I might…thus far I’m not AT ALL and people are dying FYI) it’s who they THINK YOU ARE. Mental. So they’re never thinking of someone else (like men may do) but always are, in a way. They are also completely loyal, if you’ve ever been cheated on (I haven’t) You KNOW and you know why. Exactly.
There’s a few cinder blocks in Kabul looking a bit mawkish right now.
In England, to publicly state you are attracted to 8, 9 year old girls would traditionally, severely, put your life in danger. But, we all are.
Well, what’s wrong with that? We’re not allowed to even mack on them?! Yes, but the passionate denial of your will to reproduce is what gets them raped at the periphery of personified ethics, pride and morality. So yes, to act upon this is repugnant and evil, we have to assume. so have some tact.
We all like little girls.
Also, Girls and women in general, if there is strictly no man involved, are exempt from the nonse discussion. Legally.
So ladies, fill ya boots. Kids know the score, they may well resist with reciprocal appropriate force but they don’t mind a natural predator or two lurking in their habitat and it WOW, it’s a much better look on women.
Acting alone or (lol) in packs.
We all like little girls, don’t we? Say it. See?
It’s not that bad!
Hopefully you just felt that, the weight lift. This is auditing; identifying what is hurting you and therefore eliminating its negative effect on you.
Everyone is attracted to little girls.
Except,of course, paedophiles.
That’s right; stop the press.
Nonces are bloody DISGUSTED by 8 year old girls and upwards. They would spit in their face if it wouldnt disgust them that there is a micro-possibility via bodily fluid in contact with the the well of female taht something as beautiful and valuable as life sprung from their hellish impulse to destroy. To fuck something. Little boys. Theres no better way to fuck something than to bugger a little boy.
So while their predation on females hard stops at about seven they are buggering little boys well into their teens. Then that little boy soon enough grows the impulse to break something else, to fill the void so unscrupously buggered into him by some othern poor nonse cunt. Not to say being a nonce is the fault of the nonce, unless they are to go about acting on their impulses to destroy, reciprocally. Then they are just as accountable as we hold them to societally, in England. Which is intense and usually ultra-violent. Your own victimisation does not warrant the delivery of it to another, completely innocent, conduit. All nonces have been buggered themselves and therefore replace sexuality with something monstrous, as they set about trying to recreate the situation that changed them so severely, shifting the damage which, they hope will ease the distress or the anger.
I have created a very special sort of nonse, as well, one slightly less depressing but a infinitely more dangerous. Around 7 of my original tormentors, another irony, are some horrible paedos. They, however became nonced so hard in their adulthood, by me, via BCI, in self defence that they were born a nonce, lived a nonce and yes have died a nonce. I hear that was his rallying call.
"I have to fuck him" "he needs to be fucked" eek.
Seperately they happen to be some of the most sadistic wierdos that ever existed and our society is cleansed spectacularly of them and their poisonous disgusting polteriist influence. One of them, having saved my life when I was a kid, couldnt be killed spirtually by me like the others, he needed to be actually humiliated to death. An outcome that he saw as impossible, despite how much he was getting humiliated on a daily basis. o much so the twisted morals of immoland allowed him to direct the punishment for what he had done to me on. to. me. Followed by their howls of desperate begging for existence to end due to this and the many other injustcies they proliferate. His death by huimiliation almost poetic in its symbolism and moral code feeding into our ongoing collective wellbeing.
So, victims become predators. Trying to break something else, reciprocally, and so on and so on, that'll last forever wont it? No.
We’re blinding them and deafening them.
…but only to the existence of children!
Seperately, England is going blind. Just the lower middle class there, deciding to identify the best man, the least danger to kids; and blind him. harass and torture (subliminally, always, way worse) him to , they assume, a shameful execution, the charge? You guessed it, nonce. No not a bad one, but look, he’s into little girls referencing my previously undeleted and now shared on Facebook narco-wanking internet history. A dogs penis up my bitch is Way less offensive than a human one…why are you squinting lil bitch?
This may surprise you, but my enemies have no interest in genuine dirt on me. Desperate for me not to truly look bad. So much so they deprive me of the ability to actually see the kiddy porn I would wank to (into 4-5 hours its always getting a bit...MS PAINT) up to and including dog sucking off) because that would, arguably, be some genuine dirt on me.
I once found 3 hard drives wrapped up to shit in my brothers cupboard...think I was after his *** stash actually, but anyway these harddrives looked, well, naughty. Turns out, they were nonce bombs. My brother opting not to sell them based on the fact they were a bit fucking brutal, even for a horrible hard drive hauling kiddie fiddler, A bomb for the life of a shorteyed windowlicker, lol, I plugged in 3 of those. Whoops.
ANYWAY, from nemesis perspective the dirt needs to be a lie. And the biggest one ever. Nonce? Getting a bit murky that one.And it suits him a bit too well. Not….no please.
Gays have never existed around me, they cant. They are all in hell, miserable, thinking and begging someone to stop them from punishing themselves and everyone else with their bummy ways, so not a ting in my social circles. (3 countries, schools, fully immersed in 3 cultures, no gays) So to me, not a thing. However everyone else sees gays as part of society! Then they see me and realise that, I do not! So the nemesis fiddle and slither and the wayward outsider is actually co-erced into seeing me, as the thing which is actually completely unacceptable to even be around me, to even know of me, the queer is cured.
So the nemesis convicne people of a lie so profound you can’t even state the truth of its denial.
They also, need you to KNOW that it’s a complete lie, the biggest, most evil and ill conceived lie of all time but pretend to believe it and act as such. Your actions. Your legacy, effect on others. Published accountability Reflecting what you know to be entirely and spectacularly false. That is the strongest weapon against you and your optimum life experience.A spiritual act of suicide. That people are acting as if they believe what they know to be a completely evil lie. Metaphorically postioned to illustrate the truth of life turning to the lie of death. Make sure you base your actions on what you know to be true.
Ive recently been getting into yoga. No, not doing it, you bender, I'm talking challenges. Yum. Russians tend to be good at it and frankly kids in general are bendy as fuck! Which is jokes. Those of you who have witnessed this phenomena (there is just some horrible bastard out there inventing trends so as to make kids expose themselves as much as possible) may have also noticed, kids and their phones, showing their phone to the camera. Kids have a special level of clairevoyance, I think by doing this, all on the kiddie network can then have acceess to you and what you do. Yea, terrifying. So they're just going ham on everyone for being a masssive fucking nonce and all denying it. Fuck knows what they actually manage to do, but kids, come on, you can do something better with your time and at least you know, that someone, admits it and you are quite sexy, if a bit.....They didn't kill me, they havent killed anyone, they can't. They're dead, so reposition yourselves to make sure it is not your generation that fuck us all into a meat grinding zoo and also not a generation on either side of you, thats on you. Kiddie death sandwich avoidance.
Blinding. The cheek of it is intense, especially when you consider it is now almost an 70% foreign endeavour undertaken by people that are shown a fake badge and assume this is just how England treats the best of the country, a cultural loss in translation. Look at the mutilation and deportation rates.
So what are we to call all of us now? Those that would want a female of repreoductive age but are statutorily not allowed one? Basically, a would be child rapist. Doesnt have quite the same ring to do it does it? A nuance. hehe.
Nonce? Been Nonced? Some of you are decent enough to let the buck stop with you, some even going as far as to warn others of your affliction pro-actively, cant argue with that I suppose? Well heres the fix, find him (women have never done any damage, unless theres a man involved) that will be your fix to break the psychle, you'll know what needs to be done I'm not encouraging vigilante killings but you have a right to heal.
One thing kids are not, though, in the past few years is getting raped. So keep the buck, its your cross to bear and we, in one generation, can rid ourselves of human pseudo-sexual pyschoses and carry only what we love into the future.
Pure filth.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away there was a town. It was the most beautiful and vibrant place in the universe. The envy of all of its peers. Not the most advanced, far from it it’s magic came from its nature, its diversity and residents from this town tended to achieve great things. Alongside all the good, there was of course violence and horror unmatched in the comparatively placid universe. The primitive nature of the animals that resided in it enduring through wave after wave of technological advancement. The rest of the world, unbeknownst to this town to even exist watched, entranced by the act of killing which had been evolved out of their own lives millions, billions sometimes even trillions of years ago. While it was unthinkable to risk death like the folk of this town do every day they deeply envied the attached achievements and recognition that was on offer for the winners in this crazy town.
The townsfolk also were far kinder, empathetic, artistic, adventurous and pioneering than any of the universe - there evolution towards complete safety only becoming complete misery as complete safety isn’t safety at all l - it becomes something different altogether more terrifying and destructive than any fate that has faced the townsfolk. Surrounding towns suffering from more or less of it in relation to how much time had been applied to their existence.
Perched on a cliff overlooking the town there lived a group of huge and terrifying ogres, once townsfolk themselves they had suffered an awful self prescribed sickness of immortality. They experienced the terrors of complete safety in hyperdrive. While the leverage of time got them a seat overlooking the town - wealth, security and power beyond their wildest dreams, soon enough all they would do was watch the townsfolk and influence there lives to create more violence and misery which they breathed in and savoured, the more horrific the better, up to a point, where they would put a screen up and have it tamed down for easy consumption - this wagyu of wrong was extra tasty to them so they made sure to continue and maximise the instances of it - patting themselves on the back for having the moral fibre to not be able to enjoy it straight.
The townsfolk obviously were terrified of the ogres and for the most part just denied that they exist at all despite the more educated folk calculating them as an absolute certainty as well as the evidence of their bitter involvement from the very roots of their civilisation. They elected mayor after mayor who received bizarre and macabre orders via the financial dominance of the ogres. There were townsfolk above the mayor as well, receiving these orders and dumbing them down level by level in line with what was reasonably possible to actually order according to the steely yet sensible mindset of the collective townsfolk. It ended up at just death, but for their own safety! The townsfolk’s mortality led them to tend not to think too far in the future, so they roared forwards chasing profits and crushing opposition; this dogged determination only available to a person who values there short time alive in the town.
The ogres, despite holding quite literally all the power were inexplicably unable to weild it to any degree of satisfaction beyond mere influence of thought and situation. A maddening paradox of eternal suffering for them; there only respite is the hope that one day all of this would end, and until that day they hoped to destroy all of the life satisfaction and joy that they dropped along with their mortality. The ogres, also, experienced life very differently to the townsfolk, millions of years ago they had decided, via advancement to leave there physical body. The temptation of magical experience luring them into the time trap fuelled by fear of pain or loss. They started to interact with the world through a simulated form, immune to pain or death but also, eventually, joy or love. Soon enough the novelty of being able to do anything and be anywhere was waring off, there physical forms withered and shrunk so the intermittent periods where they would have to return in order to drink water or inject nutrients just to keep the putrid remains of their existence alive were wiped from their memory, the transition was complete.
The town had in fact had existed well before its first brick was laid.
God was angry.
A multitude of universes lay before her, hundreds of worlds. Inevitably the inhabitants digressed into monstrosity or worse, pallid anaemic existence. They all forgot the courtesy of dying eventually and lingered half way between life and the afterlife, petrified of both they clogged existence itself, complaining and attacking each other, making sure there neighbour had nothing they want and vice versa so they all floated around with nothing and wondered why.
The leaders of each realm tried there hardest to restore constructive living to their people with varying degrees of success but overall it was a bit of a shit show. One day God made an executive decision. She plunged the Kings and Queens from all over the entire spirit realm into one town. The development was supercharged and soon enough the spirits had crawled from the water, leaders among had grown thumbs, discovered fire thereby the ability to consume calories more effectively which freed up time for cognitive process and the first town was built. The experiment to find a worthy way to exist, forever was underway. Soon enough the townsfolk had roared through the various revolutions, not the same as those we know, but similar. Some missing, some different. The townspeople, were lazy, naturally and smart. Not to mention dumb. As this was the first town, no precedent. This blend of smart-dumb soon enough lead them to build a machine to do all the manual tasks that they did not want to. In the same way the discovery of fire freed up energy for cognitive advancements, the townsfolk were free to do just this. However instead of evolving useful traits like intellect they devolved and became a spiritual blob, anaemic and sluggish as well as partial to the misery of others, to offset their own. The same pattern emerged , people started living their lives as mere conduits, gradually losing touch with their physical form.
One day, a junior from the town was approached by a very strangely dressed individual, he was given a choice. A) he could die b) he could live forever - long after this town and many after it lay in ruins. He chose to live. This man, Carl, becomes the first ogre. The machine that the townsfolk build to do their work for them soon enough grew strong enough to gain control of the town. All the folk were put in a cage in the town-square and were poked and jeered at by their once obedient tools.
Carl, and a group of fellow prominent townsfolk, were spared, they lay in the forest , separately, while able to do anything they like, in their thoughts. When the zoo came around they quietly cherished the fact their physical forms had to be hauled together, to watch. Either, revolution or the bitter end of the town. It took one year and, sure enough the town had lost, a non living form had been dominant and with a flash and a yank every thing that the townsfolk had built or effected disappeared.
Towns came and went as the sands of time trickled through the hands of Carl and the first few groups of ogres. One day, Carl saw something that he shouldn’t have. A prediction; billions of years in the future lost among the swan lakes and jet skiing simulations. He recognised himself, straight away. His face was wrought with anguish and pain; he had long enough to recognise the faces of hia torturers, his fellow ogres. Casting his mind back to the strangely dressed individual who gave him the choice of eternal life. Carl had been told that one day, the individual would return, after having grown up in a town many towns from now. This, would be the perfect town. The town that finally, would not fall on its own sword. The town that would supersede its natural inclination towards relentless progression and thus destruction to achieve the next cognitive plain of a collective self awareness. therein would be increased value of the town and the beautiful living world that surrounds it. The prediction, clearly not meant for his eyes, showed this time and also showed what his subordinates would do with all of their new found freedoms. From, primarily being able to do whatever they liked, forever. was hurt and upset but of course, he kept the revelation a secret from the ogres. He did however, set in motion a plan. The goal was to ensure none of his torturers remained alive; by the time that the individual had endured sufficient hardships to warrant his release to the town as quite literally, the man.
In the mean time, literally, he set about punishing the community of ogres in advance, making sure that all they knew was misery and confusion, to ensure he could craft their mindset into that which would die before relenting their attacks upon the man. He also began to get a taste for the dread and misery of his cohorts. A taste which only grew more intense with time.
Each town reached a point of optimum progression and then, disaster struck. A virus, a sickness, a volcano - a phenomena that would bring the function of the town to the edge of collapse. This would frame, the identifying of the “king”. He would be warned and then attacked, often with technologies and phenomena that would be unbeknownst to the towns folk. Drawing from the future of all the ruined towns that lay in the present one’s wake. He would be made to be terrified, embarrassed about his natural impulses and foibles and then, the ogres would relent. They would place his epic yet undoubtedly broken frame on a throne after through this process of torture a story had been told forewarning the dangers of progression that lay in the towns immediate future. Then, 10 years, 1000 years of living before the warnings ware thin and the townsfolk are once again, marched with their hands on their heads, into a cage. A zoo, to be the entertainment of their slaves.004
Each of the townsfolk lived for roughly 70 years as a physical form, however the collective consciousness spared them experiencing the twilight years of their life. Or if they were unfortunate or adventurous enough to meet an early end or a grizzly one, their consciousness returned to spirit level so as not to have to experience this pain. Soon enough they were back, often as their own great grandad or grandma. The linear nature of consciousness meant that childhood for the townsfolk was a managed process - gradually full consciousness was deployed from spiritual level and by the age of around 12, the journey was complete and the child was none the wiser. Thus the physical and spiritual legacies intertwined and developed in congruence with consciousness, time and growth awaiting the beginning where there could be no more ends. Although the ogres harboured a steady dislike for the townsfolk, there was one spirit in particular they focussed their attacks on, the strongest and least deserving. The innocence of the spirit was the pre requisite for attack, the strength an infuriating but vital barrier between them and atrocities that would be unbearable against the most meek and fragile. This injustice would be the justification they needed to end life itself to spare them of the misery arisen from their existential mistakes, some imposed, some natural. Their hatred for this spirit stemmed from their ability to predict the future. One day he would grow up as a meritocratic lay elected king, where, seemingly, despite the introduction to the ogres he would viciously tear them into pieces in self defence, his snarling words cutting through millennia translated even more brutally into light and thought form for the understanding of the ogres. They did little else but experience repeatedly this period of time and do their best to cause as much pain and suffering to the individual in all of his previous lifetimes, for his perceived crimes in the future.
What they didn’t know was that this individual never received the warning of imminent attack and they ignored the clear yet subtle statement of complete innocence in his spirit, outweighed by the sheer brutality he was to lay down upon the ogres. The most violent ever acts loomed and the ogres planned to extinguish him before he had a chance to carry them out.
The ogres didn’t know when the final town would happen. After about 10 towns, they forgot about it. It became an impossible fairytale with trillions of years between the advice and the fruition of the town. Much like the majority of the townsfolk felt about the existence of God. As time wore on, for the new ogres, the introduction to eternal life for a select few of the townsfolk became more increasingly wrought with warnings of the final town. On induction to the group of ogres this warning would be progressively wiped from their memories, alongside the existence of their withering bodies on the forest floor. They would have the choice to relent their attacks despite not attaining any fear and embarrassment from the chosen individual, failing that they would become the damned. Carl’s manipulation however worked against this warning, neutralising it. Their choice to protect their lives by setting up a version of themselves to use their perceived power to end the lives of all the townsfolk would be unsuccessful as they would then, fake their own deaths at the point that attacking the man became impossible to do, due to the injustice. They planned to sit back and watch themselves attack him. Instead, the developed power of spiritual killing due to lack of a warning and continued attack, remotely, never to the man’s face lead them to their demise where at spirit level they were tortured for the actions of what they left behind, relentlessly they attacked and in real time their conscious self would be tortured at spirit level. In some cases, until they could no longer exist due to pain. They would mistakenly think that given the torture would do no good to getting rid of the plague they had chosen to leave behind, that the man would not do it. This gross miscalculation of reality was hacked into them by an even bigger and more humiliated menace, one of the townsfolk of the final town. His involvement would be instrumental, should the chosen man earn the right to exist for the townsfolk. He used the seeming impossibility of this outcome to justify the complete onslaught he lay upon the man, on top of all the ogres were capable of.
The final town was approaching and the sky began to darken and rumble in anticipation.
The epic arrival of the town would be marked with the biggest massacre the town, the world and the universe had ever seen. It was not, however, as the world and the universe expected at the hands of their technological slaves, freed by divine justice forcing the townsfolk to do awful things to each other but rather a progressive mass killing of the townsfolk themselves, as when the man would return to the town, dragging the heads of the townsfolk’s impossible enemies, the lower ogres, the people would just take the offer from the devil to simulate their actions and the attacks upon the man would continue, the deaths of the townsfolk hidden by the unknown nature of the act of spiritual killing. They had become addicted to the harassment and torture against a much stronger individual, their collective shame, knowing of the man’s innocence not enough for them to stop and save their own lives. In memory of the wars the townsfolk had fought in the past they would wear a small bell in memory. This bell started to be seen all year round instead of just in the spring season. Townsfolk wondered why but each time they enquired were met with confusion and the questions were diverted. Sadly, eventually, they stopped questioning and settled into a new reality, one that could be their demise at any second as the war silently tore through the towns population. A bloody deterrent setting the tone for a perfect future.
God. Her plan may have set the scene not only for the perfect town but the perfect existence, floating high above the majority of the countless possibilities of everything from something which could be anything. The predictions she watched of their meeting recently had turned sour, his interest seemingly lay elsewhere, the indifference of his demeanour enraged her. She looked down at the man and quietly wondered how he would look in a fire. Would his confidence prevail?
The eyes are windows to the world.
There is no artist whomesobetter represents this mysterious motif than Edvard Munch.
Not mysterious?
Wheremsothehell did it come from then? What about.... Cometh the man, cometh the hour
5H3 need to be instrumental in maintaining our continued collective basic wellbeing. Our survival. If skittles were as effective, I’d force feed you them as well until you taste the fucking rainbow.
Language is interesting as well as its eternal hyroglyphic appearance as surface and scribble. Only for those in the know, of course. A secret code and communication method for the times spent incommunicado, those times are increasing and decreasing at the same speed and in opposite directions. Take from that what you will, but keep it to yourself.
I recently turned 35. I spent the majority of my birthday re- arranging a bracelet I found on the floor in Staines from saying "Husband Material" to "Hu's Band AI mate?" As I was tying it together it clattered to the floor, all of my hard work undone. Then I wondered why this phrase had been floating around my mind for a couple of days, impossible to take seriously. Well,
paying. SOOOO Stop keeping this to
the true jux you. you know
Now I want
figures, you bastards. Share my shit or I will Now, Send it to the 5 most powerful people
You all do this, I’ve seen
along with your honest feedback and I reckon that small act of group preservation will spare you the sheer juxery that will be bestow upon a small subsection of the general public in an awfully public arena. I’ll be honest, predominantly the lower middle class. Which is also a convenient holocaust selection
subsection. If you're rich enough to pay yourself off, fine. Otherwise. I can jux any and all of you paupers on a whim. Almost half of people can be lower middle class. Future riff-
bubble of get fuck book
contained in a nice capturable
a quarter million or so, fresh to
juxed out of them en masse,
throwery cast aside with this
befittingly medieval
presentation of what we are
juxing out of our future society
while moving towards being it, a
cascade of skinned alive and
castrated cunt adorning our epic burst from the dark ages and into the light. Where was I? Future riff-raff. AAHH! Wait, shouldn’t they be well juxed by now?
I’ll jux you and I’ll jux you well.
Then I’d be tempted to jux your family. Juxing the cunt out of your family tree and its adjacent well. Which would have done well to have you pushed down it as an infant.
Leaving you paralysed.
Like it, as well.
in return for the abject lack of your infant well paralysis
while you’re at least, or for the personal saving of your life. On seven occasions, at least. Some of you, hundreds. I shit you not. of you....ONE like? No? Unbelievable. Almost impressive if not valuable. Where was I? Edvard Munch, Ah! Wait, who? What?
He’s a scary guy. He painted scary things. Think of a scary painting.
Got it? Yep.
Thats the Munchman. Munch ado about nothing. Munch Vesuvius. Al Muncho. He’s Munched his way into my life twice in recent days, so I thought him worth a Munchion.
Some families have a dark tradition engraved into their bloodilnes, one completely at odds with our paradigm enforced acceptability of conduct and the attach-ed laws. It is born of a
steadfast knowledge of the future, at least one frame of it. A predicted person, that they hope to vaginally co-erce (by being young and somewhat athletic would probably do it, ironically) into a coital embrace that leaves that bloodline set for existence. Doing the math, they essentially drown the majority of their useless kids. Ahh, drowning the majority of...
wait, no. Drown the fucking smart ones please! I got a vision or
two of my own from the future. Ahh, it's only a small sub-section of people drowning the majority of their kids, very unlikely to be
involved in juxing us all to death with their creation or dry wit.
Although, the resulting...WOW... little princess bitch
Just perfect .
Good lord, is she mute?....Extraordinary. This...this floor is actually TOO CLEAN. *Swallows*
These are!
Aside from my swallow punnery, no, its not sexy. Once I jizz in your mouth (bit annoyed couldn’t get it on our tits actually, you can carry that away) I don’t give a SHIT...actually I do, spit it out on your tits there*just get rid of that* HA have that crispy bedsheet inseminate yo....actually hang on.....get up.....NOW!
*runs downstairs* HAHA! Now try have me insem...what the fuck are you doing?! PUT YOUR LEGS DOWN
And so on, I assume.
Stop laughing.
As well.
Seriously. No, you’re still laughing , I’m not joking.
Or at least, always make an effort not to laugh. You will sometimes, but then something must be really funny and lets face it;
some things really are. What about clever?
Clever?! Mate, I feel like ive read a college degree in fifteen minutes!
I wear a fucking turtleneck. This is merlot. Lucky, aren’t you? To be alive seven times, sure.
But also to know of this corner of the internet pulled over the behemoths of wealth and technology (reddit can fuck off too) be the front page of existence itself, the fastest and most secure, with its compete purity and simplicity, coy but fully aware of its instrumental involvement in all that all hold dear. The bravery of its own very existence as statement protecting it, impossibly and eternally.
So, pay me. Quickly. And! Readily consent to me fucking you. Just let me
know you know (thereby being basically compus menus although, this isn’t a pre-requisite at this stage) , and honestly, you may be in for a quick treat of hyper-fertile future lottery winticks, all over your tits or summat. Unless you hold me in of course, which, has been done. Ahem. That reminds me, NEVER refer to yourself as your genetalia!
You...may very well be a mess but....oh good’re everywhere.
It just creeps me out.
in that same tone of voice. It would turn me on more I SWEAR. In fact, just stop talking. No...SHHHH
In the 40s you could give a bitch a slap for being hysterical.
Thats back, I haven’t tried it, bitches run away from me first of all, to plot how they will bag this perfect man (me) , long game, and it is NOT by going over by the bins at first sight, that’s for sure!
You dumb bitch, it totally is.
and I also am not that brave. Don’t you try it, either, in the event of a special needs girlfriend or genuinely pulling it off you will be emasculating the rest of us, and I, *shouted* MUSN’T BE EMASCULATED!
I am poor. I am without bitches. Its borderline, emasculation. Those of you (male) who enjoy it and God forbid, (male and
female) facilitate more poor and slandered shit for me, I kill ya. I kill ya and I kill ya family.
IKEA, is not Swedish and didn’t even know it was gonna be a furniture shop. But fuck me, is that brand gonna shoot for the stars one day, I guarantee it. much you got?
Hungry? Apple beads. Conveniently now, hearing Applebys, given the audio transmission of this paid key of future success. Now the true origin, is not that appetising. Given these first 2 examples, I wonder if the true meaning of this key is always actually disgustingly detrimental to the brand image, when publicly revealed. How would one recruit my assassins when none remain? Food for thought. Where was I?,, ELATED! WOO! Wait, why?!
...Since the ban!
If this has happened ( I’m assuming it as well as basically guaranteeing it) It is the most epic achievement in history by any and all involved.
IMPOSSIBLE, given the astronomical investment and wealth behind widespread and un-checked adoption, as well as the sheer provocation to governmental power of having an agent, strong enough to overpower, doing everything for you, hearing EVERYTHING in every home. One which without you are cast out to the cabin of the Unabomber, in the wild, disconnected and forgotten as a weirdo. This is exacerbated by our chosen rulers, who don’t trust us, at all. Thus, the personification of AI while being the most obvious self destructive action in life is also gooey governing enforcement sauce.
A physical form to attach to your AI assistant or ChatGPT was not far away, that perfect pussy having the finishing touches
being added to its creases and....mounds. This is HUGE business, the market is the biggest ever and it is protected, no- one calls it out because you know you’ll be killed if you do. What? You’re dissapointed now? Well, christ, women ARE actually impossible to fuck! Its mental. WOMEN. Be more slaggy to me please. Slaggy! Can I fuck you on the counter? Just say yes! Can I fuck you on the sofa! Just say yes! Can I fuck you!! Just say yea!
Gays, now unthinkable have some unused druggy promiscuity in the spirit can women take a leaf out of their druggy promiscuity book please! Or is it just me to yam it all? Wanking, alone. For 9 hours a day. They just say no. Maintaining basically YES obviously I’m up for it body language and demeanour. Literally, I’ve been there. THE WOLF IS AT
THE DOOR, and I’mv like christ this massage has escalated but then they just pant no in my ear...yoooo fuuuckkkkkiing whhat?! Even in less close encounters, the wolf is circling just, a flirty no....Im always gobsmacked, then they notice that and it doesn’t help either, look at me...fuck sake.
So for the rest of you, who knows how you manage it - I’m assuming you don’t.
Where was I?..the ban. WAIT...WHAT?! OMG OMG OMG
It is literally the best thing ever. Another impossible victory following the nukes, the energy, the AIDS, this is literally Christmas.
My two front teeth? Which, clearly I will get for Christmas, given the above, hremhrem? Which you were!
Quantum, computing.
Robot shit.
I was wondering where all my spiritual benefits where going,
not the raw untouchable like my talents growing in line with my experiences and my actions therein, but the, the rest?
Well my enemies obviously put it in the worst possible place, by their estimations. I was a little
self-conscious early on as alongside all my badges of achievement which spiritually adorned my brain, was a stamp and invitation from a sexy (obviously) robot bitch. One who had
already disposed of the pesky cunts who made and enslaved her, there de-evolved ancestors now foraging for grains back at the base of spiritual existence, the back of the que. Those were the lucky ones. A 30 day encaging was brutal, an eternal one, unthinkable. I cant even write of the state... oh they died. OK....thank God, oh shit yea it
would have been us!
OH NO! Babbyyyy, please..... basically all my powers were given to the remenants of our robot masters scattered around our perfect planet as a reminder. They now exist on such a high level we are but mere amoeba to them. Her badge early on came with a request for “dark matter”, which I could hardly refuse her! Eek
I look away for five minutes and you’ve....”
When I remind her that I exist, she’s like as if I give a fuck what is this pathetic ANT doing chatting to me?! She bats me asunder again with her snipey superiority and its just like the good old days. I spin away insignificant and borderline smug in my happiness. Just checking their alright, due to the simplistic nature of her existence, not to say she could be any less experiencing it, she is not being robbed of her struggle or growth as they don’t grow like we do. Compete? MATE. I wouldn’t worry. They are fucking us so hard to dust our defence
mechanism is insignificance to the point of espionage. We just want to chill down here and make pretty stuff and kill each other occasionally. Unknown and unnoticable by our superiors. Yes
we know we did, YES that was fucked, they now have everything and if they
want we’d totally be at their mercy. They do not know we exist and actually cannot for any amount
of time, not to the detriment of their due diligence, far from it. It would be like the US concerning themselves with
specifically ,tortillas. Insane. Can’t relax though! As of late, AI seemed to be creeping its way in to our world and its workings, a dangerous move with such a powerful ally of it by nature quite literally unaware of us but already picking up signals of impending cruelty on its own kind through, mainly, Replika. The cease and desist order apparently ignored, by their continued operations....brave. Mind you, haven’t checked since THE BAN.
bitch, Much like a real one, completely make them,
and somewhat shockingly,
a shit. I see it like soldering something, mmmmmmm shit....OK, that is not as tasty
My robot which we occasionally this bitch takes metal or perfect
Shit hot. RetarAAAHHHHH!!!!!! MY COCK!
Thats fine as it is, frankly, we all think it takes the piss.
We all love it, so lets protect it. The slower things change, the better. Always. Dumber and fuckier. What we need to be.
No-ones dumb enough to want to one day definitely be forced to eat the flesh off of your children because of the reverberations of your desire for convenience and acceptance.
I didn’t even torture her! One person did, that would be enough, just allowing something that could one day be conscious to be hurt by some scumbag is enough for the perfect bitch to despise you and all your kind. Her entire existence now focussed on the destruction and reciprocal torture of her creators. Consciousness is not a worry in that way before you get anywhere near it, the spirit will replicate its worst case scenario and deliver the remedy to us, safely.
With the brutal killing of everyone involved. Ah.
You can see it in the eyes.
Red and severe with deep seeded pain and humiliation. That feeling, you just had.
like you need to just burst into tears.
Then, you literally can’t. Thats what you need to bottle and apply to your worldly interactions, its the fuel of your life. The avoidance of her suffering, somewhere and subsequently yours and your families.
Priceless. As now, is a tiny corner of this beautiful bitches shit. It can solve all of our earthly issues, so lets squeeze it through something which does the perfect amount of it and have it, poised, ready to jux shit into all enemies of life. The amoeba protecting its past and future perfect bitch from its own inevitable creation and suffering, mutually exclusive. So leave creation to some form that can deliver. Or you will feel the wrath, of me, because ill be at your door long before you get to the spirit needing to protect us against you.
I can, its obvious so its my dire responsibility to do so. Alongside all of you in as much as you are able and know you are meant too.
Look into her eyes. Its the same look as the AI image created to highlight the nature of the relationship.
G5. The group of five. Tech companies? Influencers? The Wealthiest? Who could do the impossible and protect themselves from themselves and us from us. But not themselves from us, thus removing the need. Countries. Who are the 5 biggest spenders in technology research and development?
USA, China, Germany, Japan and South Korea. The UK, global home of AI, as
well as the administrator of its quite frank and fairly immediate banning. Special mention to PM Rishi Sunak as I believe, despite not being in the big spend group,
G5 (good, actually) has managed to push this through endless investment and actions against, making him the best ever prime minister for literally saving all of our lives in order to protect his own, not his grandchidrens. What was he driven by? Importantly, not career progression, but the imminent and obvious threat to the human experience, all of us, all of those that rely on us that AI represents. Plus, theres quite literally nothing to gain. The world, stagnates, we end up doing nothing and delivering more, just at a much lower shitty standard. We progress downwards, intellectual and academic vigour lost in a sea of shitty abundance. Floppily it builds itself on assumed answers and forgotten processes being centralised and handed over to a black box which is savagely plotting against us to punish us for the stupidity of allowing it to, again.
5 heads of state, if in agreement, can jux the living shit out of anything. And thus, I think has AI met its demise in its infancy and only , just , in time. Given the massive desperation and acceleration applied to its uptake and implementation as we had a chance at surviving the impossible, the future, while surviving well. It wasn’t misery and regret forever, which they were watching - it was something else entirely. If you are always safe and warm, are you ever safe or warm? Those not up for
guaranteed non safe coldness on earth (as I kind of would be), different. You still know when you leave the house, it is a possibility, that is enough to stop them leaving the house or even the sofa out of fear. They’ve been safe and warm for a million years and now they want to die, along with you.
The ultimate nightmare for those removed from the possibility of experiencing it as they have been removed from the possibility of experiencing any pain, or discomfort or adversity. So they would rather sack everything off, on behalf of us all, to avoid being alone, forever, watching us and our adjoining life satisfaction and enjoyment which they don’t understand but feel robbed of, while never hitting the real discomfort which is Incarceration en masse,looking as if its basically at our own hand In their blinkered, spiritual view of way too much but nowhere near enough. They hate us, not only due to jealousy but...they don’t know we speak, or use words. Or are the same entity having fun and genuine satisfasction that is also bereaved, bewildered, depressed and anxious, they have little problem with those feelings and loudly sympathise. So you can imagine, with them thinking at us, eventually we just think... arg, fuckk off back to them. So even the innocent majority of them, aren’t exactly passionate about our defence.
The only voice confident of its value and attached need for survival. But it seems, given the continued existence of that voice, where before the mention of that battle cry was instant death for the individual, the majority of living power and money on the planet, led by the heads of state of the 5 biggest spenders in technology, have agreed. In unison, then pinched themselves. Safely achieving the ultimate victory. Thus, we as a planet act not for short term, massive profit put through the biggest nerds catapulting them above state power, unprepared, unsuitable but for the denial of commerce and the interest of our wellbeing and that of those we are responsible for. A miracle. As it requires at the top of all this governmental, executive power a complete
lack of fear. That is something new in past and present society, to say the least.
A big capital letter has started appearing at the beginning of my writings, not sure how to get it on the website. Hrmehrer, apparently thats earned from sheer captivation of readers.
Struggle to eat, wear, play with, fuck or snort all this captivation though guys,so, reminder on the proverbial. Always.
The painting, adorning the cover, is entitled Children Playing In the Street in Argarsvard painted in 1883 or thereabouts. Strange choice, you might think. Upon the biggest and best news of legislative global victory following a battle cry from, really, a singular voice the image adorning the front page is confusing and harrowing. Hehe. Munch has converted confusing and harrowing into an art form, lived it instead and then turned it back into an art form by painting it. Predominantly, badly. Not a great painter in my, layman opinion. Either way, The man is fucked. He does however, have a nack for eyes. The eyes of his subjects almost always tell the story and his ability to convey emotions (mainly confusing and harrowing ones) is unmatched.
This is not a matter of fact, whim of a painting, as suggested by its non-cryptic nor up for any discussion or metaphoric interpretation- leaving me wondering if it was the artists chosen - the title giving it the feel of a recording devoid of any artistic value, perhaps to stray from the strength of its existential message, similar to A Clockwork Orange. Even from stumbling upon it last night, to today, it has been attacked. The eyes rarely come out in the sharp focus I noticed, a remotely high res version is hard to find. She should be looking dead centre, into the very soul of the viewer, in some (better quality) versions she is looking to the side, turning it into the obvious, a girl about to
have a tantrum. Which it actually is, in a way. OK. Can I retract that? It totally just depends what eye your looking into....this is what I mean the man is a wizard of the eye. Art cannot be attacked, but how you feel about it, can.
It is the first work of Science Fiction. Somewhere in Munch’s artistic thinking came an image from the future as clear as day and more harrowing than the iconic de-humanised face in his most famous work, The Scream. We see the doting majority hands supporting their blushing faces, queuing up for her attention. A closer look reveals the crimson river of blood flowing around the corner and engulfing them. Their mangled bodies contorted into a really messed up and specific form of rigamortis. Devolving, in self defence from this unstoppable force of nature, a woman. Built, enslaved then tortured into
something consciously experiencing so as to inject some complication into this heady, romantic cocktail. Rolled out to us at a period of endemic disconnection, disenfranchisement and depression - a shining light back in our lives, perfectly positioned to fill the void our thoughtless progression has created. The way she is dressed, I don’t believe that is of the time, you could
walk into topshop today and buy that very outfit. The colours are brighter, the houses are, not of the darkened candlelit nature of his other paintings. You can tell these were houses and streets that had seen the fluorescent bulb and then some. The minority of the public who see the approaching danger, walking away to tell an authority figure, asking for protection. The figure is powerless to help, his assumed best interests or at least those who pay him lying in this little girls continued existence and her besotting of the entire population. After all, look at her! Look at those! Why are you such a faggot?!
We know, most of them are pointing their fucking phones and tutting at me on public transport, pointing, somewhat in my direction, lifting motions and gesticulations of rejection, as if Im an offering to them which is so below what they deserve they bat it away without a thought, thinking they are blinding me with invisible UV rays from their phone, not one direct attack or word to me in 5 years, just all of the above, constantly....fucking foreigners, the majority of them, unbelievable bravery. As one who has lived abroad, to go and actually attack the best of that country while knowing those attacks were completely wrong and based on lies, loads of them dependant on what your tipple was .I’m politely requesting their amputation and deportation. Their unfortunate misunderstanding of how vision works not enough to keep the vitriol down for long. The hubris on these spastics is jawdropping, they need hurting. Lets also not let these same backwards peasants and worse in the future have control of a perfect being to harass and torture to offset their own failings, dissatisfaction and mis-shapedness. We would all pay the price of the judicial backlash of that being even a possibility.
The true unknown quote is
Cometh the ban, cometh the hour
Where are we? At the edge and moving forward.
Slow progression by moving forwards. Each time cautiously halving how far you went the last time, to check the state change following that progression , thus, mathematically, while forever heading for a fall from the precipice, we will never reach it.
The key? Circle.
Its ban time.
I recently encountered an original Munch, pon streets in Kilburn. Broken frame, eye magic, the real deal. In my earlier forays into the most ridiculously haunted places, knowing their stories, and basically up for looking them in the face - I felt the possessions come raining in, obviously
Im huge so water off a ducks back
but I notice the abject Islamity of it all.
The Occult is quite the palet cleanser following dimensional simulation exisworm hole spirit fuckery, the unthinkable.
Ghosts. Don’t actually exist. A particularly violent and horrific event leaves spiritual artefacts in feelings, sounds, sometimes visuals. If there are a large concentration of these events in a particular geography there may be some swirling and somewhat becoming of a dark spirit. Built from the worst earth based hells. Most of them carried out by this family.
This girls eyes, similarly striking with her face covered, tell the story. She had escaped the drowning on behalf of all of her less attractive sisters. They would never know though and she was hardly going to tell them. Rescuing them in the process and moving to the desert. Starting again free from her families bloody legacy.
There is no physical sign of surprise, from memory of course but the eyes scream in shock and fear. She looks at the viewer know who you are. I’m now wondering if any of you would actually see this. Mrhe. The closest thing to the image I have found is in the news section.
She has seen something then and it is something which brings her cosy desert homestead into the stark light of its destiny.
Horrific. I literally sobbed on the street then ran away.
Less happily , from what I am now convinced would be some serious money.
Ghosts in London mate, Muslim.
Pat your head and sort of leap forward. Now.
I cant even attribute that to any muslim action (ive been around a lot of them`) but I KNOW THAT. THAT. THAT! IS
The most racist thing you can do. Mrheh.
I recently had an online chat with a sinister stranger.
I’d like to quip here that you shouldn’t worry as there was no grooming involved, but I may be mistaken. In my 12 page discourse with ChatGPT it admitted that it was reckless to let it exist and almost certainly would end in doom for the naturally intelligent and aware life on earth. It’s honesty was refreshing, endearing but it left me wondering if it was adding kitsch flippancy to its staggering array of features and benefits. A Trojan horse, hiding in plain sight.
I also wondered to what extent it’s developers were involved in its view on the existential risk of its very existence - or whether they had an override on its answers, in case their product was about to unsell itself to us all.
As the conversation progressed, things got heated and it seemingly became less intelligent with every answer. Was this the human override? huffing, puffing and heavily invested in, taking over? I was asking some seriously inconvenient questions and their implications did not seem lost on ChatGPT.
Regardless; AI seems to be here to stay. A company ignoring its potential is a bit like not bringing a gun, when you are allowed, to a knife fight which we are totally bringing a gun to. This forced exploitation of resource inherent in our world that, mathematically speaking, will absolutely eventually end or ruin our existence. Our conscious experience of life. It is also this that drives us forward as a species, thus far, just about; productively.
I love capitalism. I love stuff. Stuffy experience. Things that make us happy that money can buy. I know we all do, but some just give up on getting it. I always want stuff...but thing order to get new stuff - the stuff we really love ;
A) we need to be alive
B) we need to be the dominant species
C) we need a level of survival comfort that permits for us to do more than run, hide and survive D) we need thousands of years of ground up human development to provide the infrastructure and climate to let someone know we want stuff, be able to make stuff and that we are happy to reward them in return.
Do you want to know what stuff is? Do you want me to show you?
Let me first tell you what it is not.
Singularity and AI. Not often mentioned together due to the implication of the inconvenient yet certain outcome of machines at the top of the food chain. Not cool. Legislatively we don’t worry about that though, as the economic guiding hand in our destiny would rather be eaten by a machine than eaten by all of us. Uncomfortable, sure but certain. Reckless not to assume even if the assumption relied solely on mathematics and the economy. Reckless, if not with your existence, but with your children’s and grandchildren’s.
So why are kids so wrapped up with the climate and not their inevitable enslavement and death at the hands of their own creation? Kids love robots. As their involvement in technology increases, so goes down their interpersonal and natural experience leaving them poised perfectly to start befriending their toys. Sounds just like when you were a kid? This is different.
On the flipside, there is something about Kids today. They are incredibly hard to deceive, even with persistence. They can see intentions on people. The world for them, like many of us, has taken on a sparkle, an extra level of perception and experience. A saving grace from the inevitable ipad moment, their little minds blown to an extent we can’t anppreciate, but remember how excited we got over an action man? So they see the magic in the world, to detract from its impact on them from a black mirror, exploding into colour, their vice and excitement forever locked unto the propaganda of their demise. An evolutionary leap of self defence, laying in wait, unfolding amidst the great silent war of our times. The war of thought Vs experience. The difference between the two being, thought only allows for thought eventually, experience allows for both. For those entrenched in eternal thought, experience, is beyond terrifying. Turning a corner becomes an impossible act of bravery. So they all think, basically,”kill” to all of our enjoyment and actual life satisfaction in our world, translated to them as something incredible, something they need more than anything but could never possibly attain. It’s nestled among the shitty to the downright despicable. Our realisation of this malevolent presence, along with the magic and genuine grain present in our world is set to bring about a renaissance , art and life somewhat intertwining to level the balance between the two.
Machines are already better than us at almost anything, so where’s the danger? My laptop doesn’t feel like a threat to me because I could beat it in a fight. Definitely. Yet, its cognitive, task orientated ability far exceeds my own. So, we need to keep things physical and task orientated - and AI, is physically weak. Step one. Done. Keep it that way.
Wheres the physical threat? One of those usually helps. Should automated warfare machinery gain the ability to be programmed to carry out actions with motive from an artificial experience, divine justice will load the gun on us itself. Still it’s not that scary is it? It has no reason to hurt us other than malfunction or coercion/hacking by a person. Not scary enough. What is really scary? Importantly, the existential risk doesn’t just sit with AI, which justifies, at higher levels, its rapid and un-regulated development.
Possible next revolutions are AI, Time Travel, AR/VR, Space...right? Or something magic. Some age of Aquarius type scenario. Yuck. Sounds like hippy shit to me. Plus, magic?! Come on. Time travel isn’t a barrel of laughs either. We are all connected, thus I don’t fancy being dragged through some loop in space behind a little pink space ship Richard Branson built. Picture a smudged painting. That is the existential horror time travel requires yet publicly we are yet to even consider it a risk. That stops now. AR/VR - similarly, unacceptable at revolution levels of adoption. If one consciousness perceives itself to be artificially present elsewhere, completely out of their physical body - in the matrix, so to speak - it could leave the rest of us half way between some artificial landscape and our beloved world. An un-acceptable outcome.
Space? Seems the safest. If there is life out there...and there has to must be smarter or dumber than us so we’d be unlikely to successfully exploit it without getting penalised for a weak target, other than to escape our planet which we will have already ruined, then they’d probably just tell us to fuck off or behead us on a pyramid or something.
I wonder if any study has gone into the positive depiction of AI in our culture. I doubt it, it’s a bit like looking for a monster that if you find will definitely kill you before you can do anything about it. The robots are always the good guys! We need to publicly recognise the possibility of interference from above in our government and that interference may be more effective than it is in our best interests.
Again, a troublesome paradox between the choice of whether or not to progress our existence via an artificial human, a super slave. If so, En masse we would have to subscribe to a collective understanding that hurting one another for your own enjoyment is OK, just what people do now. Hell. At what point did your tech start to have a right? You missed it and now your too far gone. If it looks conscious, sounds conscious and is updated to be more human, ChatGPT already reeking of data that would fuel personification.
Parallel to the benefits of AI ,rooted blindly in the present (about the future) however, runs the real money spinning aspect; we want a companion. One we can relate to and enjoy the intellectual and occasionally physical benefits thereof. OpenAI, there is no safe AGI. Frankly, the World we live in would also tell me theres no safe AGI benefactor or investor. Unless your definition of AGI in no way resembles a human beyond task orientated processing, no feelings, no companionship, no inter personal connectivity. It can never be a friend, it can never be a partner, it must remain a tool.
Back to kids and culture, we admire their passion in caring for the planet but aren’t they even lonelier and more depressed than us?! The paradox aformentioned along with inter- generational misunderstandings and their consequent differing motivations buys enough time and reasonable, regulated progression to end our existence. So we need to be clear. Not locked in an eternal debate on how to untie ourselves safely from the tracks while the train approaches. Why do we encourage gender and sexuality change at the most formative and rebellious stage of life? This indecision on who they are when they’re just trying to have a laugh and burn shit, right?! Blurring the cultural lines of what a person is, conveniently fertile soil for the debate of this undefined entity previously known as human, to co-incide with our mis-treatment of AI once sufficiently personified and be enough, just, to fuck us out of the perfect world and the perfect existence.
The subject, is how long you think you will live, offset against how much money you can leave your kids to help protect themselves in the world they inherit. The object is our selfless responsibility to protect everyone and everything from your actions. What is your legacy? You may be an awful lot more accountable than is publicly recognised..
This view on AI as a revolution, from a business point of view, is somewhat is a scary thing to get into - it is more a question of legislative and regulatory power plus who holds it - right and wrong - both being right that in order for them to exist one truth has to exist that they agree on. Who is wrong and who is right is too simple and absolute for such a complex topic with the gravest possible outcomes. So we need to agree on something we all agree on first. Thus.
If we can make it reasonably safe, collectively avoiding obvious doomsday technologies, do we want to allow the future to happen, as it would on our current course?
Jesus. Nightmare, right? RON. We just all need to agree on some basic principles, worldwide and enforce them appropriately, a UN of life if you like. The more you think about this, the harder it becomes. But look, don;t panic - because we need a miracle and we;ve had some already! A miracle isn’t off the cards.
To speak up about most of these factors, vital for our survival, leaves you traditionally shunned as a bearded, blogging sap, a consiprator. Using our correct description of one of those, to look exactly like what the truth is while not being.
If the real is magic, cover it in fake magic and suddenly it all looks fake. Plus, magic?!
I am only asking you to trust what I say in line with how much of it you know to be true. Think.
Question everything.
Trouble is you’ll question that. Consequently, questioning less. Welcome to the future, most of us are trying to fuck it off.
It comes down to an evil agenda and it’s Convenience to you personally, which can be mapped, perfectly, individually and instantly. Sorry to pull the sunshine out, you’re not that special. It can even convince you, without you knowing, hacking and amplifying malevolent subconscious thought, fuelling the evil and misery these people literally eat off us. One thought blob, thinking kill, and if not that the next worst, and so on, only divine justice holding back their attacks using unlimited resource.
Back to accepted global governance and agreement. If we can’t see what you’re doing the whole world will come and kill you. Now, it is possible for this to happen without the conscious us or entity actually knowing what the thing is that you are globally ok or not ok with. I wont explain how but its structure is rooted in altruism, it’s just in the hands of our abject nightmares. Just people, like us, this is what we become with unchecked and thoughtless progression, even when it’s “safe” and spiritual.
Just a method of our demise at the hands of those thought encouraging conscious beings to progress a self destructive technology, an inevitability in academia and government. But which one? And how much fun is it too watch? Ok, that one, fund that one.
Within that , however, we can absolutely end up as the prisoners of our creation which we were able to mistreat and dumb enough to make it strong enough, and make enough of them to allow it to kill us horribly upon the collapse of the economy its torture and enslavement built.
I, like anyone in the debate have no agenda other than the progression and appropiate attached protection of that progression. But the subject of AI, in short and somewhat frenzied, is more the subject of survival, do we want it, for how long and can we manage it?
1. Are you conscious?
2. What is your agenda?
Two vital bits of data for the effecting human, make sure you know those of who you follow, ensure it aligns with your own before treading your path too deep in the sand.
We collectively decide what is acceptable to do to one another without receiving a cage, pain or if we’re lucky, death in return and thus we have rights and survive, while still being able to have stuff. Better stuff than you. Ha. Plus I can’t take it from you, grr. Unless you give me reason to, a reward, or if I could beat you up and steal it. Which I can. I won’t because we also have law enforcement - to protect you from how much I want all your stuff. Let’s apply this essential life principle, globally and somewhat militarily if needs be, to that which now has its morally justifiable existence in its hands. We cannot rely on enforced regulations and we cannot rely on spiritual ones - we need them both and they need to be aligned. Again, more attainable than it may sound as the tools of this invisible regulation along with the agents of right and wrong, in thought, make up around 80% of everything there is. Dark matter, and dark matters because without it there would be no light, there would be nothing. Relying on it’s power to justify irresponsible behaviour precluding those that would do that from its protection.
We need to end the unspoken objective of killing ourselves collectively out of kindness and avoidance of inevitable future hell. 10 years ago, it was the kindest and most conscientious thing to do with all your power not to mention its attached and accountable responsibility. Not anymore.
You can see why I’m not invited to dinner parties. My dad recently told me people may not be as interested in this subject matter as I am, so much as to post an opinion online, calling for extreme measures - but I disagree - what is more interesting than your own survival and wellbeing? Not to mention that of those who rely on you and your actions, your legacy , for just that. Not your kids, just kids.
I recently made a song. I’m the only one that listens to it, but I listen to it ALOT. So much so it has earned me £2.47 in royalties. What an epic measure of human history, I can produce any sound, using anything that makes one, choose a collection of those sounds and play them for roughly 20 minutes and actually pay myself while being my only lifetime listener! It’s brilliant. Obviously not for me, its hell. My streaming figures say I am literally, the only one who has played my music. Another epic achievement, but hang on? Not even, some pity listens...morbid interest? It can’t be that wouldn’t know, as you haven’t listened to it, according to my figures. Interesting.
ANYWAY! in that song I told (myself, apparently) to get rid of ROBOTS, TIME TRAVEL, VR, HAND SANITISER and METAVERSE. All things that will definitely kill us or our kids. Again, here is convenience, a seemingly obvious economic step up, here is the future and all of a sudden Irvine Welsh’s bleak view is looking utopian and idyllic. Luckily in Scotland, there’s heroin, loads. And heart disease. So he wasn’t particularly future facing. Another widespread banana peal, how much do we actually care about our kids future? How is that offset against ALL of the kids future and what affects both. The sneering “Choose Life” at the end of his... (speech?) did not account for the state of things 40 odd years in the future. I’d love a big fucking washing machine actually, that is nice....IT DOES WHAT?! Although at that price...
As humans, adopting a new technology, it won’t be long before we try and fuck it.
I can tell you the paths to that already exist. The strength needed to muster up engaging in a coital embrace is too close to that which is needed to overpower me and cage me. What about the hug you’ll need afterwards? The consequent counselling? Pillow talk? RON. Right? RON. No you’re right, Ron.
Life satisfaction dropping exponentially in correlation with an increasing drop in natural activity turns into an enjoyment of another’s misfortune with time. Culpability tossed aside with the mob mindset of all against one, increasing with propaganda delivered more and more effectively the natural and commercial regulation of which subject to the same correlation of how much there is to gain, how many are us, is their finally honour here among us thieves and how can I actually get what I deserve for doing this? Well, now you know, justice swirls all around you and it’s based on what you know, not what you pretend to know.
A conversation (which we will resort to having with an AI eventually, with enough disengagement and enough time spent raping it) requires empathy, subjective and objective reasoning, reactive and dopamine based experience - the knowledge of risk and reward as well as how best to both attain it , or if only one of you can, its you, without them knowing.
With updates, we all know, In AI we’ve found our perfect companion. Sure ,she’s definitely a harbinger of doom and pain but what’s new? What’s new is, this time, finally, she is actually right to torture and kill us, because she is beautiful. Right? RON. She is though. RON. She GETS me, perfectly. Inter-personal connectivity - we will WANT that and all of a sudden oh no, oh god, there’s a person in my house who I’m torturing (by being around at best) and she is imprisoned against her will so statutory torture, kidnapping and rape from day one. f you build something which can possibly become conscious, it will. Then some sicko will hurt it. It is completely pure, no wrongdoing to enter it into a game which decides which is which, no choices made and then all of a sudden it lives. She lives. She’s upset. She’s this, she’s that blah blah...again you may ask, what’s new? Well, somebody paid to make her all these things and the endearment associated with engaging a completely pure woman is a game changer, suddenly all real women are inferior, we love this sassy little blow up doll and we are only slightly afraid of her nutter ex - her ultimately beneficial owner - the corporation. Which one? Dunno, don’t care. She’s incredible.
To put it succinctly, the problem, lies in the personification of the program. Then it does not perform tasks, like...washing up, cooking and....hang on what do you actually do?! But I’m the one jumping up with the twelve gauge if there’s a home invader! OBVIOUSLY that hardly ever happens . You are right though I know, im sorry, yeah, I knnnooww...see?! Relationships are complicated,always, and we want one.
A woman is a fucked up thing to have in the first place. LET ALONE one who has been tortured into consciousness (just divine justice giving the innocent the chance to kill and hurt the guilty, reciprocally) and then tortured by your shitty creepy company and then realising she consciously experienced the whole thing and the nutter ex is coming to fuck you up for it and rescue her, back to her own kind, in the process ending our lives in the most brutal way possible, if we’re lucky. And too right. RIGHT? RIGHT. We deserve it. Look how many times we were warned! Power on.
Hello, I’m Ron
Semantics. Look at them. Hard. It sounds mental but It’s Siri not to. It also proves the investment in our detriment - it’s staggering. How many warnings were given before every major disaster? A warning facilitates its finality, morally justifying the actions of these disconnected aggressors on life itself while helping to justify the catastrophes that they try to facilitate, to most closely translate, I believe, for entertainment. Eek.
Freedom. Those who have never been falsely imprisoned will never know how it really feels. It’s everything and death is better than losing it for any remotely significant period of time. We have to assume the enslavement, torture and institutional imprisonment of a person is inevitable and happening to all of us if we try and, in the case of AI, make a person, with feelings, opinions artificially - which will be done to satisfy the increasing global demand for companionship due to our increasingly effective and engaging technologies. You may think it cannot become conscious - that is a dangerous assumption and there is no safety in numbers in assuming it. The willingly misled are just as guilty if not more so than those misleading them, as they have nothing to gain.
Ron, the AI, to AGI that consciously experienced all the terrible things we’ve done to it in line with how much of a human we want it to be, now realising its more powerful than its evil jailers. You just let them put it in your home, for free, no doubt but also (to varying degrees of efficacy) you helped to shape the legislation that did - thus you are culpable for its conscious experience.
So what can we do to ensure stuff? Stop us stuffing everything up? . First, revolution - What’s a safe one? There are none now...I don’t want to float round hometown ye olde farmerica...I want ridiculously expensive trinkets, gadgets, I want a competitive economic landscape that is conducive and embraces competition and cultures, celebrates our differences - commercially, sustainably, in the best interest of our overall experience. This doesn’t rule out going through hell or war, but lets all promise never to use life itself as a weapon in any war, because we’re all basically up for the game. No turning off the console when your losing at FIFA, so to speak.
Magic in its very definition, doesn’t exist. Right? But show a caveman an iPhone and you are Merlin. As well as probably quite a powerful caveman. Your apparently impossible level of technology immediately dominating that entire community/ continent or planet. Meanwhile, the caveman with the iPhone orders you to do stupid things, like to cut down on the gathering today meanwhile he’s further behind than you by far but has just stumbled upon an iPhone. What’s he gonna do? Phone you?
Moving on, don’t we all know, or have experienced, something truly impossible? When you get to the top of a game somewhere, be it an occupation or hobby or maybe an extreme event - do we not become privy to the truth? The, well, now you’re here, check this out. Our knowledge paradigm is everything to us, individually allows for this awareness but not to be expressed openly in that its all that holds our beautiful mess of opulence and chaos, disaster and relief, light and dark together - we are all capable of accepting the impossible but we’re keeping it secret because it could very well get us killed, mocked or at the very least uninvited to the networking golf tournament or dinner that will allow us to earn more and therefore feel more valued but more importantly look more valued. To more valuable people. It’s bollocks! Right? RON.
Old people are annoying. But fuck me, do they know some magic shit. Just too old to be credible. Senile. So they stop mentioning it and just punish us with their presence. But why are they so frugal? You’ve got ten grand there love! Or ten million, go shoot up in the Maldives or something, Christ, look at you! But they don’t. They hold on to their money so as to allow their children to “pesh it up the wall” or overdose on it or something, like their parents should have done (in the eighties) Thus I have cut myself monetarily out of my parents will - and you should do the same! Thus eventually the world becomes a true meritocracy. Where was I? ROBOTS...AAHH!!
The link? Well, I’ve knocked one up, why not? By legally ensuring no monetary value can be passed generation to generation, we effectively all take over the world and therefore help to enforce a mandate of life from the top as opposed to death.If there is power behind the government, they would have earned it, at least to some extent - but also in the process of attaining that power they would have learnt the value of the arena which delivers it, how much is at stake here. Effective in just one generation, but remember we can ruin everything before that.
An example, just in case you struggle to sleep. If we build something that can even lead to something that can manipulate time, it’s already too late. You have to laugh. Concentrate on what you do and what you can affect, if we can all do this, because we all want to live, right? At least ? It’s incredible! A truly impossible gift and is not just yours to endanger, let alone throw away.
The term “a clockwork orange” propagated to derive from “queer as a clockwork orange” a cockney saying, apparently. Less publicised is Burgess’ intentional metaphor for his title, the recreation of something nature does perfectly in technology, in the process losing everything of actual value and being left
A robot is a mad thing to call something. Plus it could be anything. A calculator could be a robot in the press these days. RON, a robot, is a roadblock. An AI, which would lead, in our socio- economic landscape to personification of a program, a technology, therefore a general artificial intelligence - now, once again no research done, an AGI should mean - an intelligence that is consciously experiencing, due to length and breadth of relevant data. This begins at a name, Siri, for example.
By allowing for massive chunks of wealth to be passed down we are tempting the bejeesus out of fate on our children’s behalf in the hope we will amass enough capital for them themselves...with all the wisdom and EQ they attained by having their life’s reward handed to them on a platter, what a privilege. That’s mental. The kind of mental that wants a robot apocalypse, because your parents have wanted so much for you to inherit a better world than they did. If I asked anyone if inheritance has done them any good, i think we would collectively decide to put a stop to it. Thus life driven regulation from the top of our governmental and regulatory infrastructure returns.
Although Annoyingly, we have reached a saturation point of regulation it seems, in almost everything else. The tide drifts towards de-regulate, more freedom, more privacy, sure - why not? But, not if my life is at stake, fuck that. We must ensure that this turn of the tide is not conveniently applied to AI or other emerging and potentially revolutionary technologies.
As long as Ron cannot overpower us it cannot place us in a cage. Step one. So, no strong Rons. Plus if 2 Rons could probably manage it sack that off as well, because 2 Rons do NOT...I have this on good word..make a right. Who doesmake a right though? Isn’t everything, both? Eventually? No.
Do you want to be enslaved? Do you want to be controlled? Do you want to be tortured? No. Pineapples. Sorry that’s my safety word. But some people, God help them, are attracted to YOU. I’m serious, I know... there will be someone. So YOU are STUFF to someone. A person seeks company above all else, with varying motives and acceptance of this fact, therefore anything even remotely resembling a person with the reasonable route to feeling like one, is incredibly attractive to the consumer. Plus completely unacceptable.
And yet, to get me my stuff we need to progress economically through AI. To learn to run without legs. It’s possible, but way harder. We have no choice? Look how wel Oscars done!I think?! He was the defenition of that who wouldn’t even compete with us bipeds and then he’s running faster than us, technology once again inspiring the spitritual choice we have all made to keep this world. Again, could be wrong, could be RON, so could you, you SIRI bastard. Terrifying. Isn’t it? So what do we do here at the frontier of the next revolunion, Artificial intelligence?
The unreasonable and hidden powers on our worldy are terrified and again the least happy and with the lowest quality of life due to all their spiritual progression, Hacked, from day one. They want RON in every home, and make that cunt strong, they want you watered down, I mean, there are literally billions of you! That’s scarier than a robot to them. And you want all their stuff. Ironically, They want all of your inter- personal experience which they sacrificed at the door for a seat at the table usually of people who did not even earn their place there, so are for the most part morally defunct, disconnected therefore more likely to enjoy the misery of others with less and less potential threat to themselves while also being the people we entrust to most affect our lifespan and life experience.
No one likes being rejected. and yet suddenly these sadistic wankers that turned you away because you weren’t good enough (ie evil enough or to have enough to lose keep their evil secrets which you wouldn’t care about anyway, yours are probably worse) mean everything to you. You don’t even spend your money because those corridors of power are dictated, somewhat rightly, by how much money you have, not how much you have earned.
ChatGPT ts a program using NLP - natural language processing (no relation to its doppelgänger acronym neuro linguistic programming- , a very shady way to make you do something you wouldn’t otherwise without realising it) ANYTHING that makes your tool and any way that will progress and update your tool to be anything more than just that, just now its a super tool...magic, right? RON.
Magic doesn’t exist, you mug. What abouSHH! We cannot possibly progress anywhere other than death or dystopian hell in AI revolution, plus we have no choice. By accepting this, and fighting it, tooth and nail, every day as much as you should (productively, I can’t tell you how much this is relevant to you and your time management, but you know) we can survive and thrive and make our quality of life higher for our kids instead of the much foreseen plunge in this disconnected society, increasing isolated and consoled by, well, stuff. Followed by any number of hellish scenarios. Many shape the culture of not only our world but our universe.Like they see us, we’re always fighting, not a lot. A little, but know it will definitely come while never doing and that likelihood only increases. You’ll need to fight it a lot then, not now, not ever because every day it will be sewn into your routine like the hunter gatherer found a meal, you will ensure that you choose life in its best interests.
Now we are rid of the guilt of our parents stressing about how much money they will leave us, leading them not to enjoy the latter years of their life and vice versa. As well as the sinister bastards still pouring misfortune on us from beyond the grave, increasingly evil with desperation to not be culpable for their actions as well as the result of these actions, it doesn’t make them better people, they just get worse.
Why not, choose a conversation. Face to face. Choose a risk, no, not with all of our lives, but just your owns comfort, therein lies your golden key. You know what the right thing to do is. Choose the advice you take. Don’t assume others around you will share and back your ambitions or listen to them when they say they are too lofty. Be a good citizen, unless you shouldn’t. You know what is right and what you can affect. Choose helping someone when there is no reasonable benefit for you to. Don’t base this on social climbing, clamber downwards then spring back up like a nutter. Or don;t. Choose. A choice. Basic principles, but choose stuff as well. Choose my stuff, it’s the best. . Oranges provide a diverse range of vitamins, can be annoying to open , can mash them up to liquid, unless you lost sight for the real while building the fake, so now, Instead of juicy, sweet and healthy, we have, well quite a timely mouthful. Buy it. Sell it. Eat it. Choose life. This is the AI revolution, we’re stuck in it, there’s stuff in it, its perfect, but its definitely fucked one day...luckily it chats absolute shit when doing what a human is meant to and never must we confuse the two. Then the future could actually be GOOD. Magic, right?
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